Commercial Reuben

Rueby Tuesday by Carlos and Jean Aleman
Reuben has started filming his new movie "The Hydrants of Canine County," but is running low on funds. In order to raise money to finish the picture, Reuben has decided to do some endorsements. His first commercial is for a new flea control pill, Toxolex.
"Your dog will love Toxolex. I myself have been using it for months now, and I have not gotten a single flea in all this time! It is truly the most amazing product I have ever tried. So run out to your vet's office today and get Toxolex for your pet. He'll thank you for it!"
(Not recommended for extended use. Side effects include foaming at the mouth, projectile vomiting, severe diarreah, ringworm, ear infections, temporary blindness, incontinence, chronic doggie breath, rashes and kennel cough. See your vet if any of these symptoms appear.)
Comments from Original Blog:
Jon said...
Does it work for cats?
9:01 AM
Carlos said...
Possibly, but beware of side effects...
9:15 AM
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