Inside the Doggies Studio

Rueby Tuesday by Carlos and Jean Aleman
Rosco: Reuben, you came from humble beginnings. So tell us, what was it like growing up in New Jersey.
Reuben: Well, Rosco, it really wasn't that bad. I had a big house with a big back yard. I could go out whenever I felt like it. I had a family who loved me and gave me lots of treats, so I can't complain.
Rosco: You won an Olympic gold in August. You beat out some tough competition from the Eastern European doggies, who were favored to win the gold. How did you feel standing on the podium while the Star Spangled Banner was playing?
Reuben: It was quite a surprise when I touched the wall and saw that I had the winning time. I was so exahusted from the effort of winning the competition that the magnitude of what I had accomplished did not hit me until after I received my medal.
Rosco: Extraordinary! And how long was it after that that you decided to pursue an acting career?
Reuben: Actually, I've always wanted to be an actor. When I was a puppy, I would watch the Air Bud movies and wanted to be just like him. I am just fortunate that my fame has allowed me to pursue my dream.
Rosco: Bowl Full of Yucky Pieces. (Wild applause by audience) What a magnificent performance. After I saw the film, I couldn't look at my doggie food the same way again. I was so affected by your most moving portrayal of Poops. How did you prepare so well for the role?
Reuben: Well, Rosco, I drew heavily from my own experiences with yucky food. There have been many times in my life when I've been left with nothing in my bowl except yucky pieces. And like Poops, I had the strength of character to eat those yucky pieces anyway. So you see, I understand the anguish the townsdoggies in the film were experiencing.
Rosco: Reuben, what is your favorite word?
Reuben: Treat.
Rosco: Your least favorite?
Reuben: Bath time.
Rosco: What is your favorite curse word?
Reuben: Poopoo.
Comments from Original Blog:
Robin said...
Can you top this???? :)Robin
8:13 AM
Jon said...
Fantastik! Reuben's brilliance transcends doggy space & time. His film career will make Benji's look like Rin Tin Tin meets Lassie while portraying Jack from Little House on the Prairie. Or something like that
8:31 AM
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