Planet of the Shitzus

Rueby Tuesday:
After his spacecraft went drastically off course, Rueben found himself on a strange world. Maybe he should have stayed home... where there were plenty of treats and comfy pillows. There is always a temptation to focus on what we don't have. We travel to a distant world in search of it, but then we long for home.
Comments from Original Blog:
Anonymous said...
Darn it all to heck!
10:41 AM
Carlos said...
Ha ha!! Thanks -I wanted to say something to that effect, but couldn't find the right words. :-) Those maniacs blew it all up!!!
10:47 AM
TLord said...
So true, sometimes it's very difficult to be grateful for what we do have, especially when faced with undesirable circumstances. Coming from a slightly different perspective, I think that the "strange world" we sometimes find ourselves in becomes the reality that can't be changed. So I guess in those situations, we must adapt to it and make it a place we can consider "home". Or maybe the strange world was home all along?
5:01 PM
Carlos said...
TLord -thanks for that awesome comment!
10:28 AM
Jon said...
ok, I can't bear it anymore, and admit to being Mr. Anonymous:)
10:32 AM
Carlos said...
Our investigators had concluded from all the fiber and DNA evidence that it WAS you all along, Mr. Anonymous. Did you really think you could get away with it??
10:46 AM
that's cute
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