Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Hydrant Premiere

Rueby Tuesday by Carlos and Jean Aleman

At long last, Reuben's film, "The Hydrants of Canine County" is complete! The public has been holding its collective breath waiting for this movie. The critics have been very enthusiastic about it, and there has already been Oscar buzz surrounding Reuben's performance, which is rumored to have been absolutely brilliant. Even those who have accused Reuben in the past of being simply an action star have confessed that he has done a fine job in his first romantic role.

Audiences around the country are flocking to the movie. Lines stretching on for blocks have been reported. Authorities are cracking down on scalpers who have sold tickets for as much as $200. Reuben himself has had to speak out against such activities, for he would like as many fans as possible to see his film.

Comments from Original Blog:
Oprah said... [still investigating authenticity]
I was offered a bootleg copy of the film while travelling in Asia last weekend, but refused knowing that would affect the box office sales of Ruben's film. We'll be addressing this growing phenomenon in an upcoming show with Ruben as our special guest. Be sure to watch!
11:49 AM

Carlos said...
Can't wait to see Reuben on the Oprah show!!!!
9:51 AM

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Reuben Asks Oprah for Help

Reuby Tuesday by Carlos and Jean Aleman

During a recent break from filming, Reuben decided to get in touch with Oprah Winfrey to get publicity for his blog and his new film. After some thought, Reuben composed a letter to the celebrity philanthropist:

Dear Ms. Winfrey,

My name is Reuben, but my friends call me Rooby Dooby. I am one of your biggest fans. I keep a VERY busy schedule, but I always try to make time to watch your show. I am also an avid participant in the Oprah Book Club. I have read many of your recommendations, and have shared the books with all of my doggie friends.

I was wondering...have you ever considered starting Oprah's Blog Club? I myself have a blog that I write every Tuesday, and I would love to share it with all your fans. I have noticed that you do a lot of good works for your viewers, so I wanted to know if you could do this for me.

Your best friend,

Comments from Original Blog:
Oprah said... [unverified]
Dear Reuben,Please accept my invitation to appear as a guest on my show next month. I'm sure we'll have lots to talk about because, secretly, I'm a fan of yours too!Best regards,Oprah
4:06 PM

Carlos said...
Great! can't wait!! ;-)
4:35 PM

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Commercial Reuben

Rueby Tuesday by Carlos and Jean Aleman

Reuben has started filming his new movie "The Hydrants of Canine County," but is running low on funds. In order to raise money to finish the picture, Reuben has decided to do some endorsements. His first commercial is for a new flea control pill, Toxolex.

"Your dog will love Toxolex. I myself have been using it for months now, and I have not gotten a single flea in all this time! It is truly the most amazing product I have ever tried. So run out to your vet's office today and get Toxolex for your pet. He'll thank you for it!"

(Not recommended for extended use. Side effects include foaming at the mouth, projectile vomiting, severe diarreah, ringworm, ear infections, temporary blindness, incontinence, chronic doggie breath, rashes and kennel cough. See your vet if any of these symptoms appear.)

Comments from Original Blog:
Jon said...
Does it work for cats?
9:01 AM

Carlos said...
Possibly, but beware of side effects...
9:15 AM
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Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Reuby Tuesday by Carlos and Jean Aleman

The Greenland Pooper Scooper published this photo shortly after Reuben and his crew came to Canine County. The Scooper had gotten many reports from residents about a shadowy figure lurking in their fields. Said one resident, who supplied this exclusive photo to the Scooper, "The creature was huge, at least nine or ten feet tall." Others reported that their chickens had been eaten by the creature, and that family pets had been abducted.

Reuben's team of advisors has suggested that he hire investigators to look into these reports. They caution that if there is a dangerous creature in Canine County, it may be wise to choose another location for filming. Reuben vows to look into the Scooper's story.