Treat time

Rueby Tuesday by Carlos and Jean Aleman
Reuben waits expectantly as his daddy holds out a treat. He hesitates for a moment. Hold on... he hasn't done anything to deserve this treat. He hasn't rolled over or shook hands or any of his usual tricks. Yet daddy is still offering the treat. Should he take it? Does he dare?
We humans are like that with God sometimes. He offers us everything we could ever ask for. He has even given us His most precious gift, His Son. Yet we are so often hesitant to accept what God has to give. We think we must do something to merit God's love. We do not realize that if it were up to our performance, we could never live up to God's standard. But because God offers us this gift unconditionally, we find that we don't have to do anything to be worthy of His love. What a marvelous thing it is to know that we don't have to "roll over" to get the Milk Bone!