Doggie Court

Rueby Tuesday by Carlos and Jean Aleman
As a result of many consumer complaints regarding the Reubflex, Reuben is taken to court by a dog claiming serious bodily injury . Reuben is forced to face a jury of his peers, Judge Benji presiding:
Judge Benji: How to do answer these charges brought before you? How do you justify the injury you've caused these many doggies?
Reuben: It was never my intent to harm anyone. I just wanted others to experience the amazing weight loss benefits I have experienced.
Judge Benji: I understand that. But how do you answer the charges of Brutus (points to the Doberman), who claims that the Reubflex resulted in the loss of his tail?
Reuben: Your honor, I have proof that Brutus is lying. (Produces a piece of paper). This is a document signed by Doctor Jones.
Judge Benji: Who is Doctor Jones?
Reuben: (glaring at Brutus) Doctor Jones is the vet who docked Brutus' tail when he was a puppy.
(Loud gasp from the courtroom)
Judge Benji: Do you mean to tell me that Brutus' tail was not cut off by the Reublex?
Reuben: No, your Honor, it certainly was not.
Judge Benji: In that case, I have no choice but to dismiss the charges.
(Applause in the courtroom)
Judge Benji: Wait! I'm not finished. Reuben, the charges may be dismissed, but the fact is that you've created an unsafe product. I have no choice but to ask you to withdraw the Reubflex from the market. In addition, I sentence you to five hours of community service for endangering the lives of other doggies.
Reuben: Yes, Your Honor.