Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Doggie Make-over

Reuby Tuesday by Carlos and Jean Aleman

Reuben is a 13 year old unkempt shitzu. All his friends think it's time for him to update his look. He's an up and coming star on the internet, and his friends do not think that his sense of style matches his growing celebrity status. His hairstyle makes his face look too round. Also, he hasn't realized that his slender young waistline is now gone and all that hair is just adding pounds!

We'll turn him into a whole new doggie, while preserving his individuality. We'll also give him some essential male grooming tips — including how to tame bushy eyebrows. It is important that one is completely dry before a haircut, to prevent those unsightly mats.

We will give him a more mature, yet stylish look. He has held on to his 90's hippie look, but we will bring him into the new millenium. However, before we cut his hair, we must persuade Reuben that less is more...

We take off a little hair from around his face to accentuate his eyes.
Reuben is a little upset at the amount of hair we've cut. He wasn't expecting such a drastic change.

And voila, the new Reuben!
(He is skeptical about his new look...)

Comments from Original Blog:
Jon said...
He's as sharp as a tack! He should run for public office. Where does he stand on the issues? What's his take on the economy? Can he balance the budget? We want a strong leader who won't cave in to special interests, and has the where-with-all to get the job done!
8:34 AM

Carlos said...
Reuben is way too intelligent to run for office ;-)
8:55 AM

Robin said...
Yes, I must say Reuben's new do does become him! Did the little poodle down the street get a look at him yet? Wait till the girls dogs start calling the house and dropping by to see Reuben "The Man!"This is great! I love the ever evolving Reuben tales!!
10:27 PM

Carlos said...
Reuben says, "Wuf wuf" (thank you).
2:48 PM

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Planet of the Shitzus Part 2

Rueby Tuesday:
After a week of exploring this strange new world, Reuben finds a familiar friend, Benji. The two of them talk and share jokes. Sometimes they disagree sharply. It's no accident they should encounter each other on this lonely planet.

Both are learning love and patience by spending time with someone they think is difficult and unlovable. They agree that they can disagree and remain friends -and have a few laughs among shitzus. Mercy is better than sacrifice...

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Planet of the Shitzus

Rueby Tuesday:
After his spacecraft went drastically off course, Rueben found himself on a strange world. Maybe he should have stayed home... where there were plenty of treats and comfy pillows. There is always a temptation to focus on what we don't have. We travel to a distant world in search of it, but then we long for home.

Comments from Original Blog:

Anonymous said...
Darn it all to heck!
10:41 AM

Carlos said...
Ha ha!! Thanks -I wanted to say something to that effect, but couldn't find the right words. :-) Those maniacs blew it all up!!!
10:47 AM

TLord said...
So true, sometimes it's very difficult to be grateful for what we do have, especially when faced with undesirable circumstances. Coming from a slightly different perspective, I think that the "strange world" we sometimes find ourselves in becomes the reality that can't be changed. So I guess in those situations, we must adapt to it and make it a place we can consider "home". Or maybe the strange world was home all along?
5:01 PM
Carlos said...
TLord -thanks for that awesome comment!
10:28 AM

Jon said...
ok, I can't bear it anymore, and admit to being Mr. Anonymous:)
10:32 AM

Carlos said...
Our investigators had concluded from all the fiber and DNA evidence that it WAS you all along, Mr. Anonymous. Did you really think you could get away with it??
10:46 AM

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Rocket Dog

Rueby Tuesday:
With his sights now set on Saturn, Reubs is counting the cost. Is it worth the risk, the danger?

I'm personally thinking about staying on the ground. Books like 'The Purpose Driven life' and 'Wild at Heart' have inspired me to dream big and accomplish something in this life. But isn't it better to just be happy and grateful for what I already have?

'Wild at heart' makes a good case for the male soul needing a dream to chase, a battle to fight, or some kind of challenge -Yet the old wisdom of counting your blessings, wanting less and giving much seems to contradict that.

Often I think about my creativity and wonder why I've never succeeded at art. "There must be something wrong with me", I sometimes think. "But I thought I was a really really positive person!"

I'm a happy person -blessed beyond belief. But like everyone else, sometimes I get a little depressed. I'll let Reuben explore the far reaches of space -if I never achieve anything, I guess that's okay.

"From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded" -Luke 12:48

Comments from Original Blog:
pixelfly said...
A devout life does bring wealth, but it's the rich simplicity of being yourself before God. Since we entered the world penniless and will leave it penniless, if we have bread on the table and shoes on our feet, that's enough. But if it's only money these leaders are after, they'll self-destruct in no time. Lust for money brings trouble and nothing but trouble. Going down that path, some lose their footing in the faith completely and live to regret it bitterly ever after. But you, Timothy, man of God: Run for your life from all this. Pursue a righteous life--a life of wonder, faith, love, steadiness, courtesy. Run hard and fast in the faith. Seize the eternal life, the life you were called to, the life you so fervently embraced in the presence of so many witnesses. (1Ti 6:6-12, The Message)
12:04 AM