Reuben, Oprah's Special Guest.

Rueby Tuesday by Carlos and Jean Aleman
When Oprah read Reuben's new book, The Scent of Perfection, she was so impressed that she decided to make it a part of the Oprah Book Club, and invited Reuben on the show to talk about the book. The following is an excerpt from the show:
Oprah: I am so glad you were finally able to come on my show. As you know, I am a huge fan of your work.
Reuben: Thank you, Oprah. I am a fan of yours too.
Oprah: This new venture of yours into the world of literature is amazing! I've known that you were a world class athlete, an actor, a director, but I did not know about this new side I'm seeing of Reuben.
Reuben: (smiling and wagging tail) Thank you, Oprah. I can't tell you how much it means to have you praise my work.
Oprah: I was wondering....would you mind reading us a poem from your collection? I'm sure your fans would love to hear it.
Reuben: I'd be happy to. This poem is from my seasonal series. It's entitled Springtime:
Springtime is the right time
For eating doggie food.
The birds are singing,
The flowers are blooming,
Springtime is the right time
For eating doggie food.
Oprah: Amazing! I can't believe how you have managed to capture the feeling of springtime.
Reuben: Thank you. As you know, I take much of my inspiration from my own life. And doggie food is a big part of my life.
Oprah: It's been a pleasure to have you on our show. And for the audience members, if you look under your chairs, each and every one of you has been given a personally autographed copy of The Scent of Perfection. (cheers from audience) Reuben, I've been watching your career with great interest. I would be honored if you would work with me on a new magazine, R, an extension for my own O magazine, designed especially for all of my doggie fans.
Reuben: You are so very kind, Oprah. I hope this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship.
Oprah laughs.